Travelers between Worlds. Contemporary Art from the Hoffmann Collection (Mar. 5 - Jun. 12, 2022)

| Städtische Museen Zittau

Städtische Museen Zittau

True to their understanding of a collection without a fixed location, the gifted collection Hoffmann is being shown in Görlitz and Zittau simultaneously. With the title „Weltenwanderer“/"Travelers between Worlds," the Görlitz Collections and Zittau's City Museums are presenting approx. 80 works selected out of the diverse collection.

While the selection in Zittau places its focus on the human and human picture, and allows dialogues to emerge between these pieces taken from the extensive collection and the historical architecture, in Görlitz artists are in the spotlight, artists whose biographies are shaped by east-west migration experiences. Among these are famous names such as Sigmar Polke, Marina Abramović, Gerhard Richter or Andy Warhol. In addition, well-known artists from, for example, Russla, Poland and Albania are shown, among them being Olga Cernysheva, Natalia LL and Teresa Murak, who are less well-known and who allow an East-West dialogue to take place in this exhibition.

Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 28.05.22, 20:06 o 'clock