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About Us

3mag is the tri-country magazine for the Neisse Euroregion – a magazine for everyone who is curious about what there is to discover on the other side of the mountains. We turn our focus to the nicer sides of life in rural regions, report on social happenings and report on the daily lives of people here. What makes the quality of life here? What is moving and motivating the people along the Mandau and Neisse? What is driving us forward, what are we proud of and what challenges are we facing in this border region?

Here at 3mag we gather the best from three worlds, including the events happening in the region – in four languages, at one glance. Authors can participate in 3mag, publishing their short stories, whether texts, photo series, drawings, film contributions or podcasts. 3mag is also part of the Cultural Network (Kulturnetzwerk) and partner of the Kulturraumkonferenz
(regional cultural association). Via short presentations, cultural institutions can introduce their work and offerings, thereby opening the doors to be better known and for building up cooperation among each other.

The target area for the magazine is the tri-country region corresponding to the dimensions of the Neisse Euroregion. Approximately 1.5 million people live in 376 towns and cities in an area of 11,921 km².

Who we are:
Ewa Zimny | Jenny Böttcher | Hedvika Zimmermannová | Stephanie George | Juliane Wünsche | Sepp Härtel | Rebecca Noelle Smith | Jörg Heidig | Roman Sedláč | Annekathrin Kluttig | Tomo Moritz | Thomas Kluttig | Magda Kosćańska

We are happy to continue to develop 3mag in response to your wishes. Please take some time to get to know what the website has to offer. Use the calendar for your events. Tell us what you need for your work. Let us know if something doesn't quite work.
Feel free to pass this offer on to others who would be interested. The more organisers and organisations that participate, the greater the benefit for us all.