Special exhibition “Border experiences people on the Oder and Neisse. Photographs by Bernd Cramer”

| Kulturhistorisches Museum...

Städtische Museen Zittau

The Leipzig photographer Bernd Cramer has been traveling along the Oder and Neisse rivers for over ten years to talk to people and to take portraits of them. Numerous photographs from Cramer's documentary work are now being exhibited in the Zittau City Museums, along with the relevant interviews that arose from these encounters. They illustrate the change in the border region, which is caught between tradition and transformation. The biographies of the residents reflect this in a very individual way. Bernd Cramer captures their voices, dreams and longings, stories and experiences and captures them in images and text.

Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 16.07.23, 10:58 o 'clock