
| Dům kultury Střelnice Rumburk

Dům kultury Střelnice...


15:00 opening 15:30 FOLK POHODA (folk/Rumburk) 17:15 PRŮTRŽ KAČEN (rock/Varnsdorf) 19:00 SEMENO - KABÁT revival (rock/Varnsdorf) 21:00 DEEEP PURPLE TRIBUTE BAND (hard rock/Rumburk) 23:00 closing of the event Refreshments, classic stall sales and ponies for children, a workshop for making your own artificial stone and face painting are provided. Admission: 50 CZK
Children up to 15 years old and holders of TP, ZTP or ZTP/P ID cards are admitted FREE

Open air event as part of the RUMKULE 2024 cultural summer in the garden of DK Střelnice Rumburk.
Last update 07.06.24, 06:42 o 'clock

