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One World: Hollywoodgate Base

| Cinema Varšava

After the Taliban regained power in Afghanistan in 2021, foreign correspondent Ibrahim Nash'at managed to persuade the radical movement's leadership to film. He follows a commander and a rank-and-file soldier at an abandoned military base where the Americans left behind billions of dollars worth of military equipment after their hasty withdrawal from the country. Without a word, the camera watches men with beards stretch on a treadmill or open a refrigerator full of alcohol. The hilarious scenes, however, take place in a terrifying situation - the Taliban are gradually putting Black Hawk fighter jets and helicopters into operation. The film, deliberately teetering on the line between journalism and propaganda, is summed up by the commander in a note to the director: "If his intentions were wrong, he would soon be dead."

The camera follows the men of the Taliban leadership for a year after the coup in Afghanistan. They are trying to install a military regime - using, among other things, military equipment left behind by the US military.
Aktualisiert am 16.03.24, 07:14 o 'clock