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Id. Escape from the post-Soviet space

| Regional Gallery Liberec -...

The social, economic and cultural transformation of Central and Eastern Europe at the end of the 20th century forced local artistic communities to reconsider their historical roots, memory and a partial rediscovery of their own identity. However, although the formerly subjugated nations are trying to shed their "post-Soviet" label through active de-Sovietization and globalization efforts, the cultural and political legacy of the former regimes still haunts them in their contemporary lives. Despite the fact that these nations have firmly established themselves as an integral part of the European and transatlantic community, they still question their cultural identity and question which part of their culture is their own and which has been imposed on them by foreign oppressors. The frequent use of the term "identity" in art points to its relevance to the contemporary cultural and social context. The Baltic States are no exception. After their rapid reintegration into the Western community, they are still exposed to the hidden shadow of the Soviet legacy. The exhibition "Identity. Escape from the Post-Soviet Space" explores the ongoing efforts to break out of this shadow.Žygimantas Augustinas, Algimantas Kensminas, Tauras Kensminas, Denisas Kolomyckis, Žydrūnas Mirinavičius, Rūta Putramentaitė, Eglė Ridikaitė, Indrė Rybakovaitė, Ieva Skauronė, Andrej Vasilenko Organised by the Embassy of Lithuania in Prague in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts in Vilnius and the Regional Gallery of Liberec.

The exhibition presents ten Lithuanian artists of different generations whose works deal with the constant search for their own cultural self. However, they are all united by the constant search for their own individual and cultural identity.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 23.02.24, 06:32 o 'clock