Film Fridays at the Museum - Grandhotel

| North Bohemian Museum Liberec

Fleischman, a maintenance worker and amateur meteorologist who wanted to be as close to the sky as life would allow, works there as a guard and prisoner at the same time. And he can't go any higher. Only birds and fools can go higher, and Fleischman is one year away from becoming one. For Fleischman, Liberec is a cage, a place that binds him with an ancient promise and refuses to let him go beyond its borders. Every day Fleischman thinks of only one thing, to soar to the sky and fly away from the hotel, from Liberec, from a life that is not going well at all. A fool would build wings, Fleischman sews a balloon in which he flies away. He's not crazy. It might have been soon enough if Ilya hadn't come into his life. The silent maid who pulls his thoughts back to earth, because that's where one's heart belongs. Only Ilya isn't alone, he's been in a long troubled relationship with Patka, the arrogant waiter who is exactly the reason to hide in the clouds. Patka doesn't want to let Ilya go, after all, everything she does in life is for them. For her. For happiness on earth. But Ilya is drawn upwards to Fleischman.
Tickets can be purchased at GoOut or at the museum box office.

The Grand Hotel is a place between heaven and earth. A place where clouds and human desires float. The metaphorical story is set in the famous hotel towering over Liberec.
Last update 28.05.24, 09:45 o 'clock
