Almanya - Welcome to Germany

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comedy drama, 2010, 95 min., German and Turkish with Czech subtitles directed by Yasemin Samdereli This fresh, colourful comedy about a Turkish family settled in Germany for several generations is the feature debut of director Yasemin Samdereli. She collaborated on the script with her younger sister Nesrin, with whom she has previously co-written the popular series Turkish for Beginners. The story of this film, whose universally understandable humour grows out of misunderstandings caused by cultural differences and attempts to find answers to what constitutes national identity, is skillfully woven from two intersecting timelines. In the first, set in the present, the viewer is introduced to the Yilmaz family in their German home just as the elder of the family, Grandfather Huseyin, urges the others to join him on a holiday to his native Turkey. The second line follows the young Huseyin's fate in faraway Anatolia, his departure for Germany, where he arrived in 1964 as the millionth first gastarbeiter, and the gradual adaptation - if not outright assimilation - of his family in their new environment. Organized by the Goethe-Institut Prague and the Regional Research Library Liberec Great Hall, 2nd floor

For April, the German Film Club has prepared an award-winning tragicomedy about the joys and sorrows of a Turkish family that has lived in Germany for several generations.

Aktualisiert am 20.04.23, 21:50 o 'clock