“The Beauty and the Beast” – a fairy tale for Easter – online

| Euroregion Neisse


by Kerstin Slawek

based on the French folk tale

Belle and her sister Jeanne live in a small house in the countryside. Their family is poor since their father lost three ships with all their cargo. Then comes the good news: One ship has returned! Their father goes immediately to the city and promises his daughters to give them what they wish for. Jeanne asks for jewels and baubles, Belle for a rose. When the father reaches the city, all of the goods have already been divided up between his creditors, nothing is left. Gifts for his daughters unattainable. On his way back he discovers a castle with a beautiful garden, and just as he is picking a flower for Belle, a formidable beast surprises him, …

Theatre and Literature Cinema
Aktualisiert am 19.04.21, 23:42 o 'clock