Experience village life - Polish farm becomes meeting center
Experience village life - Polish farm becomes meeting center
Oberlausitz im Wandel
When Robert Gruszecki talks about his plans with shining eyes, they seem tangible. Of course, he knows that there is still a long way to go before he gets there. The last owner of the homestead died a few years ago, and there were no heirs. Therefore, the farm fell to the municipality of Zgorzelec and was no longer farmed until Robert Gruszecki acquired it for the Fundacja Kuźnia Foundation (http://kulturnet.pl/) in 2019. But how do he and the foundation plan to finance the farm's restoration?
Robert Gruszecki already has concrete ideas for that, too. On the one hand, the renovation work is to be financed from the foundation's funds, and on the other hand, he would like to collect money for the project from the local population. He also has high hopes that public funds will be granted. The foundation has applied to have the farm listed as a historic monument so that it can apply for funding to renovate it in accordance with the preservation order.
The reconstruction plans have also taken concrete shape. The renowned Zgorzelec city architect Adam Cebula, who is responsible among other things for the redevelopment of the Polish bank of the Neisse River, has already prepared detailed drawings. Cebula attaches particular importance to the combination of functionality and beauty. One building is to be renovated using only traditional working methods. The other two buildings will also use modern elements such as glass, covered open spaces, heat pumps and solar panels - on condition that the traditional character of the buildings is preserved.
Projects that Adam Cebula has already implemented: https://adamcebula.eu/index.php/projekty/
Now the wind is still blowing snowflakes through the broken windows. But if the financing works out the way Robert Gruszecki envisions, the planned meeting center will be ready in four years." Ultimately, I want the courtyard to become a place for Polish-German togetherness, for young people to spend time together and exchange ideas. They should be able to learn about common history, old trades and ecology, while also tasting dishes from Polish and German cuisine. All in a playful way."
In order to reconstruct the farm as faithfully as possible, the Kuźnia Foundation is looking for information, photos from before the war and contacts with the family that lived there before the war. If you know something or know someone who knows something about it, you can contact directly kuznia.imprezy@gmail.com or 360.kulturnet.pl and feel free to share the article and photos.