Crime, punishment and the afterlife

| Museum of the Mladá...

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

Crime, Punishment and the Afterlife is the subtitle of the second part of the cycle of exhibitions On the Last Journey. Last year, in the exhibition hall, we focused on death and burials in Pojizeří from prehistoric times to the 20th century. This year, we will bring the dark and even darker history of our region closer. We will go back a few centuries to the times of robbers, swindlers, vagabonds, swindlers and murderers, and also to those who punished their deeds - i.e. executioners and their henchmen. We will reveal whether Mladá Boleslav had a torture chamber, who was tied to the pillory and why, and which way to the execution ground. You will see the execution sword, a model of a gallows, a noose or real torture instruments. And most importantly, we will introduce you to the mysterious propitiatory cross, only recently discovered outside Mladá Boleslav.
The exhibition will open on 27 June at 5 pm;
The series of exhibitions has been created by theMuseum of the Bohemian Paradise in Turnov. 
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 24.06.24, 19:32 o 'clock