Hiking Tour for the Young-at-Heart

| Hillersche Villa

Hillersche Villa

You like to go hiking? But not alone? Would you like to (re-)discover old and new paths? But not alone? Then you are at the right place with us. We want to take pleasant hikes together through our beautiful mountain landscape. These hikes can be with or without stopping for refreshment and will be accompanied by a guide. The length of the tour is 2-3 hours and will be adjusted according to the group.

We start at 9:30 a.m. at the agreed-upon spot

Contact and to sign up:: Mehrgenerationenhaus | +49-3583-779621 | mgh@hillerschevilla.de

Contribution for expenses: 5 €

Aktualisiert am 16.11.21, 20:47 o 'clock