Exhibition - I'm a bit of a magician - Otfried Preußler's fairytale worlds

| Palác Liebieg (Vila Johanna...

Komunitní středisko KONTAKT...

Date: 18.10. - 30.11.2023 Galerie Johann, Liebieg Palace Open from Tue - Sat, 10:00 - 17:00 Admission: 20,- full / 10,- reduced Group discount: children accompanied by a grandparent free

"I'm a bit of a magician...", said Otfried Preußler about his work as a writer. The Waterboy, The Little Witch, Hotzenplotz the Robber and Krabat are classics of German-language literature and still enchant children and adults alike. Preußler found the themes and characters for his stories in the landscape of his youth, in the Jizera Mountains and in northern Bohemia. The exhibition commemorates the 100th anniversary of his birth. The exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the creator of the Little Witch is organised by the Association of Germans in North Bohemia.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 21.10.23, 23:31 o 'clock