On the trail of the wolf - ten years of the wolf's return to Podbezdězí

| Bělá pod Bezdězem Museum

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

Ten years ago a wolf couple from Lusatia came to Podbezdězí. In 2014, photo traps captured the whole growing wolf family. Currently there is one wolf pack and probably a few single individuals. For the tenth anniversary of the wolf's return to Podbezdězí, we have prepared an exhibition in cooperation with the Duha Movement, the Kokořín - Macha Region Protected Landscape Area and the Sahara Hunting Association. It is dedicated not only to wolves in our region, but to the life of this admirable beast as such.
The opening will take place on 28 June at 5 pm. Ladislav Pořízek, Director of the Regional Department of the Protected Landscape Area, will open the exhibition;
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 20.06.23, 23:19 o 'clock