Venus, younger sister of Mother Earth...

| Hodkovice nad Mohelkou

BEZMEZER, o.p.s.

The astro-meeting, entitled Venus, the younger sister of Mother Earth, will include a talk on the principles of the Venus archetype, an introduction to the nature of Venus' position in your personal horoscope, and we will end the day by creating a personal collage. It is advisable to report the time, date and place of your birth so that we can print your horoscope chart in time for the seminar.

"The reason for our unfreedom, or feelings of dependency, is a distorted relationship with ourselves." An astro-meeting about the fact that the answers to the fundamental questions of life are within you, they are just hidden beneath the overlay of everyday worries and desires, and so they need to be found again, brought to light, or, just as the ancients said Venus was born, Uranianly born...
Aktualisiert am 22.09.23, 12:36 o 'clock