Immortality of the Stars

| Christian-Weise-Bibliothek...

Hillersche Villa

Banned books, "banned" composers, immortal biographies.

A literary and musical evening in memory of the victims of the Germany-wide book burning in 1933.

Against forgetting!

The burning of books in the spring of 1933, the destruction of the literary and enlightened spirit, the annihilation of modern intellectual Europe and the construction of difficult enemy images was the blazing prelude to the barbarism that followed. Tons of literature committed to the Enlightenment was thrown into the fire, thus initiating the “flickering decline” of a special cultural consciousness. Murder and suicide at the same time?

The event commemorates the book burning in Zittau on March 8, 1933 and all the many "disappeared" books during the National Socialist era: It commemorates how a scientific elite at the time tried to burn the German spirit and the stars remained immortal.

music | recitation

Julia Boegershausen, Björn Bewerich

Politics, society, history

Felix Pankonin

Admission is free.

The event is a contribution to the project "Zittau'33 - 'seizure of power' in southern Upper Lusatia".

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 29.04.23, 19:57 o 'clock