| Museum of the Bohemian...

Muzeum Českého ráje v Turnově

Museum of Bohemian Paradise in Turnov (17:00-24:00)
Guided tours of the exhibitions Jiří Urban, Špéra was, is and will be Guided tours of the permanent exhibitions 17:00-24:00 Night treasure hunt - an action programme with mineralogical themes Performance of the museum's music group False Alarm Projection of Turnov historical films (museum atrium after dark) Dlaskův statek v Dolánky (17:00-24:00)
The magical museum night at Dlask's farm will take place in the spirit of the underflight and Midsummer holidays.The programme is designed especially for families with children, but also for all those who are close to herbs, folk magic, have a desire to go back in time a hundred years and want to create something:
We'll weigh nine midsummer flowers. We'll make a felt wreath from sheep's wool. We'll bake toast on the stove. We'll make homemade curd. We'll mix curd vomaste with herbs. We'll bake snakes and other animals shaped from dough on the fire. Children will listen to a fairy tale while lying on the stove. We will sing and dance all evening, as is proper on Midsummer Nights. Exposition of Wood and Wicker - Guided tours of the exposition with ethnographer Vladimíra Jakouběová. Dolánky Nature House (18:00-24:00)
Expositions and thematic programmes on nature and ecology Turnov Observatory(18:00-23:00)
Night sky observation Museum of Bohemian Paradise in Turnov / Turnov Observatory / Dlaskův statek / Dolánky Nature House / 7. 6. 2024 / FREE ADMISSION

A night full of guided tours, animated experience programs for children and adults. Opening hours until late at night and free entry to all participating buildings.
Art & Exhibition Markets & festivals
Aktualisiert am 05.06.24, 20:14 o 'clock