Tripoint Vibez #22 - Natty Pati & Paproota org in Session

| Stacja Wolimierz

Tripoint Vibez

December's Tripoint Vibez session is traditionally taking place at Stacja Wolimierz. It couldn't be any different, since the previous two years there saw such important events from the perspective of the whole series, as TV#12, which was the first legitimate all-night session on the whole setup at the time, and TV#17, which featured Jah Schulz, WiseDub & Aya Nayah, which means it was seriously tough. This year, in addition to the location and the time of the year themselves, there is also the aspect of the winter solstice, which fortunately makes the night from 22nd to 23rd December the longest of the year, so we can rest assured about the space-time to dance, all the more so as will, of course, be responsible for the sonic department, and playing on it, apart from Dusza and Prof.Siren, will be selectress and djane Natty Pati, currently living in the area. We are therefore preparing an exceptional edition, to which all of you are very welcome!

Aktualisiert am 19.10.23, 09:35 o 'clock