The Dream Factory - a journey behind the scenes

| Bělá pod Bezdězem Museum

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

In its relatively short existence, film has become one of the most widely used art forms. Today, there are very few people who do not follow film production in some way. But few people get a glimpse behind the scenes. Come take a look with us! At the talk you will learn how a feature film is made and who all is involved in its creation. You will learn more about some of the film professions and the whole process from the idea, through preparation and realization to the premiere. Lecturer MgA. Barbora Stehlíková will also reveal pearls, such as who is called bears in a film, why it is sometimes necessary to sprinkle during filming and why directors were still most afraid of drowning at the end of the 20th century;
Aktualisiert am 15.04.23, 16:09 o 'clock