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| Small Theatre

Divadlo F.X.Šaldy...

Nuria Cazorla García, Antonio Blanco, Herman von Løvenskjold This innovative adaptation of the classic 1832 romantic ballet La Sylphide brings a contemporary, youthful choreographic perspective to one of the earliest and most traditional original ballets. It allows new dimensions to be explored and sensitively transforms the fairy tale story into the 21st century. The Romance of Sylph tells the story of the downfall in life of James, a young successful man who plans to marry his beloved fiancée Effie. But something strange begins to happen. A ghost appears in his presence in the form of a beautiful woman that no one else seems to see. The gentle and elusive creature teases, seduces and manipulates him and he cannot resist its seductions. James' love for the elemental being eventually turns into an obsession. He is drawn deeper and deeper into a supernatural world beyond reality by the specter.

A modern take on a poignant ballet romance.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 11.04.24, 05:32 o 'clock