With Pydla in the back

| Bělá pod Bezdězem Chateau

Kultura Bělá

The play With Pydla in the Back premiered at the Semafor Theatre on 4 June 1981. It became the most successful title in the repertoire of Josef Dvořák's group, and although it has been considered for withdrawal many times since then, and dates have even been set for the last performance, it has proved remarkably resilient and indestructible, always re-emerging into the spotlight. Why? Not only because it provides the space for a series of brilliant clown numbers by Josef Dvořák, but also for its quirky humour, whose godfathers are Becket on the one hand, Hašek on the other. The character of a simple folk cleverness is involved in a chess game of the powerful. The effort to always pretend, to always play the role that is required, to make something out of every situation for oneself, the spineless conjugalism, the effort to create the appearance of idyll at any cost, even on the ruins... Isn't it all too familiar? Don't we already consider a number of absurdly grotesque situations to be commonplace just because we have somehow become accustomed to them? And here only the mirror of laughter, which is crooked but all the more sharply depicts...

Legendary productions with Josef Dvořák
Theatre and Literature
Last update 28.05.24, 09:56 o 'clock
