Special exhibition "Zittau33. The Seizure of Power in Southern Upper Lusatia".

| Kulturhistorisches Museum...

Städtische Museen Zittau

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the Reich, and the National Socialists came to power. The "seizure of power" did not take place in the large urban centers alone, but was also enforced in small towns and even villages within a very short time. In Zittau, too, Hitler's appointment as Reich Chancellor was enthusiastically celebrated by many people. Oppositionists were not tolerated. Against this background, the dramatic and trend-setting events of 90 years ago are being commemorated in Zittau and the surrounding area. The special exhibition in the Zittau Municipal Museums shows how the transformation of society was accomplished in a short period of time. The new permanent exhibition in Hainewalde Castle uses an original example to tell the story of how an early concentration camp was set up and operated. The cooperation project "Zittau33. The Seizure of Power in Southern Upper Lusatia" is sponsored by the Saxon Memorials Foundation.

Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 14.12.23, 10:10 o 'clock