Meeting in the museum with archivist Alena Nachtmann

| Muzeum Benátecka

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

A lecture on the everyday life of the Czech nobility in the 18th and 19th centuries. This period was the golden age of noble lifestyle. Although it is impossible to cover it all in one meeting, we will try to focus at least on its most interesting aspects: How the nobility spent their weekdays and holidays. How their life changed during the year. How they raised their children and what family meant to them. What their duties were and how they entertained themselves. And what remains of their culture, even though it seems to have fallen victim to the modern world. Alena Nachtmannová, PhD, archivist at the National Heritage Institute, will guide you through life at the castle.
Aktualisiert am 23.04.23, 23:24 o 'clock