Courses for Seniors

| Hillersche Villa

Hillersche Villa

Ease with Smartphone and Tablet

For most people smartphones and tablets are every-day companions, but using them and the vast array of apps can be overwhelming for some. In this beginners' workshop you will learn what a Google account is important for, how to install apps from the PlayStore, about safety settings and how to protect yourself from digital criminality. The workshops are geared towards beginners who know little or nothing about using android smartphones and tablets. Please bring your phone and/or tablet with you!

Course offered through the Mehrgenerationenhaus Zittau in cooperation with the Mediennetzwerk Lausitz.

Dates: Nov. 12/Nov. 19/Nov. 26/Dec. 10, 2021, 9:00 - 12:00

Place: Hillersche Villa, Klienebergerplatz 1, Zittau

Course fee: €20 (4 course dates)

Information & Registration: +49-3583-779621,

Aktualisiert am 18.11.21, 18:36 o 'clock