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Ralsko yesterday, today and tomorrow

| Bělá pod Bezdězem Museum

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

On Wednesday, April 17 at 5 pm, we will open our imaginary museum café and this time we will invite Petr Kral, the mayor of Mimoň, to join us. We will talk about the ruins of Ralsko and its surroundings. We will discuss the past, the present and the possibilities of what could happen to Ralsko in the future;
There are discussions about the founding of Ralsko Castle. In the Middle Ages it was in the possession of the Markvartice and Vartenberg families. In the 14th century the originally wooden castle was replaced by a stone building. From the 16th century onwards, the castle fell into disrepair and, as usual, became a source of building material for the surrounding area and a target for treasure hunters. Between 1969 and 1990, the castle, Mount Ralsko and the whole surrounding area was inaccessible to the public because it was part of the Soviet military area. The lookout tower burned down at that time. Today, the remains of the walls, the ruins of two towers and a palace, and relics of other buildings can be found on the site;
Aktualisiert am 11.04.24, 05:30 o 'clock