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Why today is February 22, 2024

| Bělá pod Bezdězem Museum

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

It's time, Professor ... What is time, how was it understood in the past, how was it measured and why are there different calendars. Pavel Sosnovec lets you take a look under the hood of chronology - the science of measuring time and one of the auxiliary sciences of history. Why February has 28 days and sometimes even 29. When they made Wednesday a Sunday (and whether it would be practical to make Wednesday a Sunday in our time). How did it come about that in the Czech Republic we give out presents on the 24th of December, while in France, for example, they do it a day later. You will find out everything on 22 February 2024 after 5 pm;
Aktualisiert am 17.02.24, 07:20 o 'clock