Pilgrimage of St. Joseph

| Location unknown

Kittelovo muzeum

The pilgrimage is typical of the relaxed, peaceful nature of domestic wandering, just as we would expect in the old world from historical novels or films. The local traditional delicacies and delicacies of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers are sought out, especially in the parsonage in Krasna, which turns into a refreshment stand for both spirit and body. Many cultural performances are held here. Firstly, on a more serious theme in the church of St. Joseph, such as ancient spiritual songs or gospels, but also rather jolly performances on the opposite plaza in front of the rectory, where folklore performances and fairy tales alternate. Refreshments and thirst quenching are provided by real firefighters from several neighbouring villages and the event is mainly attended by local people with their traditional pilgrimage dishes and delicacies. This, together with wooden and natural material attractions for children, crafts and creative workshops, creates a unique colour. The barefoot trail is a highlight for children and adults alike. The Kittel House is also worth a visit, where, in addition to the permanent exhibitions dedicated to Dr. Kittel, several historical, archaeological and ethnographic exhibitions are held. On display will be Dr. Holmanová's decorated gingerbread houses, the Bohemian Garnet, or objects, relief tin paintings and assemblages by Petr Janečka. Program:10.00 Pilgrimage Mass in St. Joseph's Church - celebrated by Józef Szeliga from Litoměřice 11:30 Marek Sýkora - Suitcase full of fairy tales - at the rectory 13.00 Mixed choir Janáček - St. Joseph's Church 14:00 Folklore ensemble Nisanka and Malá Nisanka 15:00 Gospel Yetu - St. Craft stalls and craftsmen, workshops, horses for children to ride, lots of good local food at the rectory, in front of the rectory and at Kittel's house.

Traditional events at Krásná around St. Joseph's Church, Kittel House, the rectory and St. Joseph's Well with its legendary water. The pilgrimage is always held on May Day at Krásná - Pěnčín, the place where the physician Jan Josef Antonín Eleazar Kittel lived and worked.
Aktualisiert am 23.04.23, 23:24 o 'clock