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Autumn regular tribal fusion workshops

| Alfasped Logistik

BEZMEZER, o.p.s.

Dance workshops in tribal fusion style WEDNESDAYS always from 18:00 to 20:00 13.9.EXPERIENCE WORKSHOP Rychnov/ Alfasped Logistic We will work on the snake charm of this style. We will work on both the certainty and lightness of the elements, combinations. Workshops are for everyone. Price. Payment via bank account or at the latest at the venue in cash before the workshop. Orders are binding and must be made in advance by Sebou: Mat underneath, water, comfortable clothes to wear. Possibly a skirt for dancing, jewelry to accessorize, comfortable shoes as needed.

Tribal Fusion Modern Belly Dance

Flyer Rychnov dance September.jpg (1.68 MB)
Aktualisiert am 15.08.23, 09:40 o 'clock