Under the tree

| North Bohemian Museum Liberec

Bring your children and tell them about your childhood Christmas or your grandmothers' special time of year. You can share your memories interactively with us at the museum or write a letter to Santa Claus. The tradition of gifts that children expect every year under the Christmas tree and the closely linked magic of the figure of Father Christmas as the mysterious Christmas Eve giver cannot be fully explained historically. Many historical and cultural layers meet here that are not connected to the event of the Nativity itself. What is certain, however, is that it is an ancient custom related to the solstice. From historical sources we can trace that as early as the 14th century people in Bohemia sent each other 'gifts of the generous evening' to commemorate the birth of the Son of God. The custom was for people who received a gift to thank those who sent it, to reward the messengers who delivered it, and to send a gift of some kind themselves to those with whom they had been gifted. Over time, the composition of gifts has varied from symbolic items to practical items to items intended primarily for pleasure.

Come to the museum at Christmas to reminisce about childhood, to discover objects that have been tried, tested and touched by several generations, and to recall the long-lost glory of legendary games and toys that accompanied many a childhood.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 21.10.23, 10:56 o 'clock