Patrik Hábl: A Journey to the Distant Horoland

| Regional Gallery Liberec -...

Patrik Habel's lyrical-meditative landscapes, often composed in long, seemingly endless layers, represent one of the most distinctive poles of the contemporary Czech painting scene. And it doesn't matter whether they are realized on a roll of paper, a canvas or the facade of a communist apartment building. Each time, with incredible ease, Hábl lets his painterly epic flow in countless variations and colour valences - from bright white, through misty grey, bright ultramarine to deep black - modelling
in random processes, a captivating and surreal exotic nature. Hábl then completes it with his clearly targeted interventions
into landscape mountain labyrinths with a touch of far-eastern linear perspective.

The Regional Gallery Liberec in the project Journey to the Distant Highlands will not only present a cross-section of Hábl's current work, but also reveal perhaps unsuspected corners of his endless inspiration.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 22.09.23, 11:33 o 'clock