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The revived glass

| Muzeum Benátecka

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

At the beginning of May we will open an exhibition of the work of Karel and Eva Urban, founders of the family glassworks Urbanglass. The Urbans have been creating fragile beauty for over thirty years: figurines, animals and plants. Together they have put together countless original designs and new production methods in the field of small glassmaking, while still adhering to traditional production technology.
Among the Urbans' regular customers are the Carborundum Electrite factory in Venice and the Prague Zoo. Since 2023, they have been the proud holders of the title of Master of Traditional Handicraft Production of the Central Bohemian Region, they have joined the prestigious community of Crystal Valley glassmakers and their products have been awarded the Regional Product of the Bohemian Paradise label.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 26.04.24, 05:06 o 'clock