About Pacific Scallop

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Guest: Jan Pacina, traveller, photographer The first part of the lecture focuses on the reasons and motivation to go on such a trip. It reflects the majority of questions, i.e. it covers 90% of what people are interested in and what they would ask. At the same time, it reveals what happens to you during six months in the wilderness and how priorities change. How, over time, we perceive the values we took for granted. At the end, you will learn what all changes in you when you reach your destination after 170 days. The block concludes with a 3 min clip from the entire PCT. Then there's room for questions. Total time 80 min. 50 CZK Great Hall, 2nd floor

In the regular series Librarians and Friends of the Library Travel, this time we will travel all the way to the western United States.
Aktualisiert am 04.10.23, 12:15 o 'clock