Motets for the Queen / final concert

| Basilica of All Saints,...


The final concert of the 22nd year of the IMF Lípa Musica will offer an exceptional combination of a modern world premiere of a motet by the "Czech Bach" and what is said to be the most cultivated countertenor voice in the world. The chaplaincy engagement at the court of Queen Elisabeth Christina of Brunswick, mother of Maria Theresa, was a golden period in the work of the phenomenal Czech Baroque composer František Ignác Tůma, chaplain of the Vienna Royal Chapel. His virtuosic Great Motets for solo alto, composed in the Viennese style, are now coming to the attention of the world music public, thanks in part to a unique interpretation by the star German countertenor Andreas Scholl. This versatile artist, whose strength lies in the beauty and intimacy of his voice and his haunting expression, became the first countertenor in the world to be invited to perform at The Last Night of the Proms in London. A seemingly insignificant pebble in the mosaic of Scholl's career, it is a testament to the fact that it was he who first elevated the countertenor voice to the international level of operatic superstars. There are more outstanding countertenors in the world today than ever before, but only one stands out above all the rest: Andreas Scholl... And it is he who will put the royal finishing touch on this year's Lípa Música.
Aktualisiert am 17.10.23, 23:08 o 'clock