Michael Ende's Momo

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


A dance theater piece for the whole family by Dan Pelleg & Marko E. Weigert


After Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid and The Little Match Girl, we again choose the story of a girl as the literary starting point for a dance evening. Michael Ende's Momo is characterized by the seemingly unimportant ability to just have time for others. She can listen to people and comfort them - and finally sets out fearlessly and resolutely to face dangers that threaten to destroy her entire world. These dangers are, of course, allegories for the questionable excesses of our Western societies, such as obsession with consumption, greed for money and power, career aspirations and so-called “healthy” egoism.

In his wonderful children's book, Michael Ende primarily tells of Momo's unselfishness in dealing with her friends, but also of her unshakable courage to oppose fixed structures that try to restrict us and threaten to destroy us.

In this very special dance piece for the whole family, we will follow in Momo's footsteps in search of the seemingly lost-saved time! ‎‎

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 07.01.23, 22:44 o 'clock