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Mock-ups of historical and modern ships - a show of modellers

| Museum of the Bohemian...

Muzeum Českého ráje v Turnově

ADMIRAL p.s. in Jablonec nad Nisou has taken over the organization of the Czech Championship of Section "C" for the year 2024 on behalf of the Ship Modelers Club of the Czech Republic. However, they represent the peak of technical and modelling skills projected into accurate models of historical and modern ships. The Museum of Bohemian Paradise in Turnov is proud to host this event. Ship models will be presented to the general public in the form of an exhibition in the Turnov Museum.
As in previous years, the championship will also be open to foreign modellers. For example, the national championship in 2022 was attended by modelers from Romania, Poland and Slovakia. In 2023 it was organized as a joint championship of the Czech Republic and Poland. The ADMIRAL Ship Modelers Club believes that at least some of the foreign modelers will find their way to Turnov as well, and will thus complement the expected 50 or so models of our modelers. From the point of view of the Czech Ship Modellers Club, this competition is also the last chance to qualify for the NAVIGA European Ship Modelling Championships, section "C", which will take place in mid-September 2024 in Burgas, Bulgaria.
Museum of Bohemian Paradise in Turnov (Exhibition Hall) / 24 February (10.00-16.00) and 25 February (9.00-12.00)
Admission: 30 CZK / children under 15 free

Exhibition of ship models.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 02.02.24, 06:54 o 'clock