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Launch of Zdeněk Mrkáček's book Czech Paradise - My Great Love

| Sféra Cinema, Turnov

Kulturní centrum Turnov,...

The author is an ornithologist, photographer of landscape, nature and folklore, monuments, writer, director and cameraman of the documentary film Unique Bohemian Paradise and also a two-time participant of the famous Vasa Run. He uses a large part of his life energy to learn about and popularize the Bohemian Paradise, to which he has already dedicated 10 books. In his work, he always seeks his own way and consistently adheres to the principle that it makes no sense to create copies of something that has already existed. In his new publication he also presents the Bohemian Paradise in an original and unpublished concept. His main idea is to emphasise the unique interconnection of landscape, nature and monuments in a small area. In the pictorial part it is a free walk from Turnov and Maloskalsko, Trosky and Podtrosce valleys, Příhraz and Mnichovo Hradiště through Sobotka and Jičín and their surroundings to Lomnice nad Popelkou. But this is far from being just a photographic book. The purposefully chosen and focused texts are devoted not only to nature, but also to stone masonry and archaeology with reminders of the life of the ancient inhabitants of the Bohemian Paradise and folk art, including painted furniture. The publication is therefore also about people and love. And the mention of the term love in the title of the book is certainly not accidental. It confirms the author's intimate relationship with his region, but also the love of our ancestors for their home, their respect for values and faith. The launch will include a screening of selected photographs with live commentary. Zdeněk Mrkáček will explain that the Bohemian Paradise is a world phenomenon and not only Trosky. Don't miss the launch of a book that has not yet been published on the Bohemian Paradise. You can buy it at the book signing at a reduced price. Single admission: 100 CZK

Book launch and presentation of the book with photo screening. Autographing and the possibility to buy the book at a reduced price.
Aktualisiert am 02.02.24, 06:47 o 'clock