Art in the foyer: The Zittau painter and drawing teacher Godwin Weber (1902 – 1990)

| Kulturhistorisches Museum...

Städtische Museen Zittau

A cabinet exhibition in cooperation with the Zittau History and Museum Association.

The painter and graphic artist Godwin Weber was born in Freital-Deuben, attended the teacher training college in Löbau from 1916 and the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden from 1923, studied at the Technical University and passed the state examination. In 1927 Weber moved to Zittau and began teaching at the Staatsrealgymnasium. From 1939 and until the end of the war, the artist was drafted into military service. After a difficult new start, he taught all age groups in the 10-year general secondary school. His pictorial themes revolve around Zittau and its mountains and are kept in light color values. A grippingly drawn line gives the etchings an unmistakably unique touch.

Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 13.05.23, 11:43 o 'clock