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Stone beauty or museum bestiary

| North Bohemian Museum Liberec

We try to show the hidden stone beauty of the 125-year-old museum building to the general public through brief texts and impressive photographs by Aleš Jungmann. Come with us through the exhibition and discover a cute rabbit, a frog, a crow, a bat, but also wild men, strange lion heads in masquerades or portraits of the museum builders Gustav Miksch, the owner of the Liberec construction company that built the museum, the builder August Kraus and the museum's main sculptor Emanuel Gerhart. We have not forgotten the visually dominant modern pair of lions guarding the entrance to the museum. Although their placement was already planned when the museum was built, their realisation was only successful during the reconstruction in 2020. The author of the unconventional pair of lion and lioness is the prominent Czech sculptor Jaroslav Róna. The exhibition project primarily presents the specific sculptural decoration of the museum building, but also touches on the general issue of the sculptural treatment of 19th century public buildings or the determination of the style in which the building was built.

The exterior panel exhibition, organized as part of the 150th anniversary celebration of the museum, approaches the museum building and its decoration from a non-traditional angle. It takes note of details on the façade and in the interior that are often overlooked by the visitor because they are located in places where the eye often does not stray.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 17.08.23, 09:19 o 'clock