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One World: Jiřík's vision

| Cinema Varšava

Filmmaker Marta Kovářová has made a global home essay that is a portrait of her father Jiří Svoboda, a renowned physicist who comes up with a "simple" plan to save the world - to unify the carbon pricing system. But because Jiri is only a suspect physicist, not a climate scientist or politician, his voice is not heard in the public sphere. Although Martha and George are touring international summits together, their efforts seem to have made no progress after a year and remain their private domestic revolution. While this fact exhausts Marta emotionally and she blames herself, Jiri maintains a phlegmatic approach not only to science but also to life.

Marta, an artist, embarks on a journey with her father, Jiří, a scientist, to save the world and to understand each other. The documentary is a humorous observation of a family dream, which does not always meet with public understanding.
Aktualisiert am 16.03.24, 07:14 o 'clock