Jan Amos Comenius

| Liberec Regional Research...

As part of the celebrations commemorating the 430th birthday of Jan Amos Comenius, the Moravian Church has prepared an exhibition dedicated to this significant personage as well as the history of their own church, of which Jan Amos Comenius was a bishop.

The entire exhibition consists of 12 panels presenting the life and legacy of Jan Amos Comenius within the context of his time and the church, and describing the captivating story of the Bohemian Brothers/Moravian believers themselves, from their inconspicuous beginnings to an epic fight for survival to their rebirth and development up to the present day.

Web: www.kvkli.cz/akce/id:47120/jan-amos-komensky

Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 13.05.22, 10:31 o 'clock