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Ivana Lomova: Silence

| Regional Gallery Liberec -...

Ivana Lomová's paintings reflect the reality of the observer, often with a slightly ironic comment, not infrequently with a sense of gratitude and sometimes with a slightly cold distance. The compositions of her paintings are compositions of our own views - she sees what we see. And when the painter looks, we look too. Our experience of the long train journey merges with the experience captured on the canvas and is translated into a kind of universally valid experience, a symbolic scene. We no longer perceive whether the painter is travelling by train or we are. The slumbering passengers with the landscape passing outside the window become a symbol for the journey itself. We do not perceive whether we or the painter's relative stood at the window - the window becomes the intersection of our lived experiences, a symbol of the extension of the gaze, but also a symbol of solitude, concentration and light melancholy.

Ivana Lomová's paintings are like moments of suspended time. Her realistic painting does not dramatize the world, does not add unnecessary romanticism or sentimentality to it. Her paintings are just what we see at first sight - they are images of reality that do not judge the world or fight it.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 24.04.24, 12:58 o 'clock