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Gypsy workshop

| Alfasped Logistik

BEZMEZER, o.p.s.

From 18:00 to 20:00 / Rychnov / Alfasped (the room is air-conditioned) Price: 350,-CZK/1person / Payment on the spot before the workshop In every form it is a dance with a big heart. Emotions, joy, sadness play an important role here. Most of the time it is a dynamic dance. For the hectic modern person it is an excellent way to relax and release from everyday stress and tension. This not easy, but very lively style has a lot of variety in it and the literally captivating music can awaken unsuspected possibilities in you. The essential accessory is a wide circle skirt. Roma/Gypsy dances can be found in various forms from India to Asia to Europe. Sebou: Water, a skirt, bracelets if necessary, a mat underneath (yogamatka) for warming up. Contact: 608126862,,

Gypsy Dance Workshop

Gypsy dance workshop.jpg (1.35 MB)
Aktualisiert am 15.08.23, 09:40 o 'clock