Basics of Hand Weaving

| Webschule Großschönau

Webschule Großschönau

Hand weaving master Barbara Okeke invites you to learn the basics of hand weaving. The first weekend (July 29-30) you will plan your weave. You will create a so-called cartridge under guidance, on which you draw your desired pattern. You will also gain insights into the theory of binding, i.e. the heart of every abricf. You will learn how the three basic weave types - plain, twill and satin weave - are set up on the loom and how a hand loom works and is constructed. The workshop will continue on the first weekend in August. In this you will implement your planned pattern on the loom. Barbara Okeke will show you how a loom is set up and how the warp, a part of the fabric, is warped.

Aktualisiert am 19.07.23, 19:51 o 'clock