Excursion "Around the Border Triangle with Trilex"

| Hauptbahnhof Zittau,...

Städtische Museen Zittau

Matthias Böhm will take you to Mikulášovice dolní nádraží with the T9. From there we continue on foot to the triangular chapel and the Way of the Cross at Brtníky (approx. 7 km). The tour leads to Rumburk to the Loreto chapel, further via Großschönau and the Trixi Park back to Zittau. Train ride, hike and bus ride alternate. Arrival in Zittau at 4.50 p.m. Registration: boehmkom@aol.com

Art & Exhibition Knowledge Other
Aktualisiert am 27.03.23, 14:29 o 'clock