A Lusatian Midsummer Night's Dream - - based on W. Shakespeare

| Theater Görlitz - Apollo...


A Shakespearean comedy about love, impatience, and all sorts of euphoria, somewhere in the middle of Lusatia."

The Görlitzer FreiSpielBühne is playing under the direction of Andreas Rüdiger

"In a time between the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow; in a land where north and south, but above all east and west, meet, where magical flowers drip mysteriously, where earthly and heavenly laws are at work, and where kings, elves, craftsmen, spirits and Lovers speak the same language, the ruler of this country, King Theseus, wants to celebrate his wedding in 4 days.

Won't the royal couple need coal?

Will Herma and Lysandra find their way back from the Königshain mountains?

Will Zettel finally be allowed to play the lion?

But be careful! Between illusion and reality, it's easy to lose your mind...‎

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 22.03.24, 06:07 o 'clock