Educa EXPO 2023

| Home Credit Arena and Sport...

EDUCA EXPO SCHOOLS, where more than 60 schools and fields of study not only from the Liberec Region are presenting their presentations. An integral part of the programme is the presentation of individual fields of study, workshops, career counselling, conferences for schools and much more. EDUCA EXPO COMPANIES then brings together all activities that focus on the labour market - of course, there is a presentation of interesting companies from our region, the offer of vacancies and career counselling for all those looking for a new career path.The EDUCA EXPO itself in the Home Credit Arena is actively attended by more than 23,000 visitors every year and presents 60+ secondary and higher education institutions, and more than 50+ companies and institutions on an area of 4,000 m2.

EDUCA WEEK also includes the traditional EDUCA EXPO - the largest trade fair for schools and companies in North Bohemia. Opening hours: Thursday and Friday 9 am - 6 pm, Saturday 9 am - 1 pm. Free admission for visitors.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 16.09.23, 07:42 o 'clock