"The Last Gladiator - or - Close your ears and get through it" a volcanic dramedy

| Klosterhof Franziskanerkloster

Gladiators disappear, slaves run away, columns fall over, dust everywhere and then there's this rumbling in the distance. What's going on in the Roman province?

Why doesn't everything just stay as nice and comfortable as it never was?
Is it the Ptolemies' fault? Or the prophets who predicted all this? And what does Jupiter have to do with all this chaos?

We can answer all of these questions for you, dear audience, in a single evening with our latest play "The Last Gladiator - or - Close your ears and get through it".

Provided, of course, that you have the courage to get involved in this bizarre story based on real life.

This event will take place in German language.

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 05.07.24, 14:23 o 'clock