Denk mal am Fastentuch! Contemplation about the Lenten veil with words, pictures and music

| Museum Kirche zum Heiligen...

Städtische Museen Zittau

The next event will take place with on Wednesday, June 5th, at 6 p.m. in the Museum Church of the Holy Cross with the theme "Dreams and visions" - Great Zittau Lenten veil (1472) as part of the series "Think about the Lenten veil - Contemplation with words, pictures and music". This hour is organized by the Catholic parish of "St. Mary" Zittau: The texts were written by Pastor Thomas Cech. The musical direction is in the proven hands of Mr. Bernhard Grellmann. Three images from the Great Zittau Lenten veil will be examined in detail: - Jacob dreamed of angels coming from heaven. - Mary throws the idols to the ground in Egypt. - With a sense of justice, he sits at the Last Judgement. The theme of "Dreams and visions" is looked at in different variations. The reflections lead from the symbolic level to various experiences that one can have in everyday life in different ways.

Aktualisiert am 04.06.24, 20:26 o 'clock