
| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Film recording of the theater production based on the novel by Janosch in an adaptation by Robert Talarczyk

Based on the novel by Janosch Cholonek or The Good Lord Made of Clay (Cholonek czyli dobry Pan Bóg z gliny)
in Silesian with German subtitles
Director: Mirosław Neinert, Robert Talarczyk
Teatr Telewizji TVP (2012), Teatr Korez Katowice

The theater adaptation of the popular Janosch novel shows in a grotesque way the fate of the residents of a pre-war workers' settlement in Upper Silesia. The heroes are caught in a world full of contradictions in which they try to survive at all costs, often at the expense of their dignity. It is a story about people who live on a permanent border: between Poland and Germany, between debauchery and devotion, between National Socialism and Communism, between tragedy and farce. For Silesians and those who do not understand Silesia.

No one before Janosch and no one after him was able to describe the fate of the Silesians in the 20th century, their mentality, their sense of humor and at the same time the tragedy that lies in their fate so vividly. Wherever the play is performed, it moves people to tears - tears of joy and tears of emotion.

Theatre and Literature
Last update 11.03.25, 10:53 o 'clock
