Exhibition “ToleranzRäume” | Zittau market

| Marktplatz Zittau (market...

Augen auf e.V. Oberlausitz

Exhibition “ToleranzRäume” | Zittau market

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m

The ToleranceRäume exhibition shows visitors how they can work for more tolerance and respect in their everyday lives.

The eye-catching tolerance containers stop in the middle of German cities and invite people from all walks of life to experience and discuss how tolerance can work in our coexistence, but also where it has its limits.

A society can only function if its members treat each other with respect and openness. However, we are currently experiencing in Germany that private and public discussions are becoming more heated and sometimes exceeding the limits of what the conversation partners are prepared to tolerate, or even derailing into hatred and hostility.

The Tolerance Spaces exhibition aims to counteract this development. It is supported by the German Bundestag - a majority decision across almost all parliamentary groups.

The Tolerance Rooms project is implemented by the Toleranz-Tunnel e.V. association together with the Kreuzberg Initiative against Anti-Semitism (KIgA e.V.). Bielefeld University (Faculty of Educational Sciences; AG10) provides scientific support for the project. There is also a six-person expert advisory board that advises and supports the project.

In Zittau the exhibition is presented by “Demokratie - stark gemacht!" 2.0, a project of Augen auf e. V. The event is funded by the Partnerschaft für Demokratie Zittau from the federal program “Demokratie leben”.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 12.03.24, 08:47 o 'clock